Requirements to establish a branch are:
A minimum of five wāhine.
Inaugural hui must include your Area Representative
At the inaugural hui the following will need to be completed:
Election of officers: The prospective members shall vote for the positions of Branch President, Branch Vice President, Branch Secretary and Branch Treasurer.
Declaration Form: The elected officers will sign the declaration form that confirms the branch is non-sectarian and non-party political. This must be witnessed by your Regional Area Representative.
Regional Affiliation: The branch will complete their Regional Affiliation responsibilities as directed by their Area Representative.
National Affiliation: The branch will complete their National Affiliation and organise payment of fees to the Regional Treasurer.
Minutes of your inaugural hui: The branch will complete minutes of their inaugural hui and provide a copy to their Area Representative.
When the above has been completed and the Area Representative has the required paperwork, they will pass on the details to our National Office.
Part of the Area Representative’s role is to guide, support and educate all branches of the League so please do not hesitate to contact them with any questions to help you through your journey as a new branch.